Financial Education Programs

At Eastern Bank, we understand that dealing with personal finances can be overwhelming for anyone. That’s why we have partnered with local nonprofit community organizations and high schools to offer financial education programs that will help you take control of your finances.

FDIC Alliance

 As a member of the FDIC Money Smart Alliance, we support financial literacy – the ability to save, budget, spend wisely and invest – in the communities we serve.

The FDIC Money Smart program helps students and adults develop good money management skills and understand financial services and bank accounts.

The Money Smart Program is a standardized banking curriculum consisting of 10 modules covering basic financial topics. In addition to attending a training class led by a certified instructor, class participants receive a course booklet containing resource materials and highlights of the material covered.

Certified Instructors
Eastern has a team of over 50 employees that have attended training programs and are certified to teach all 10 of the banking modules. Eastern Bank will send instructors to your organization or school to present one or more of the Money Smart courses. Classes are available in both English and Spanish.

Requesting a Money Smart Presentation
When requesting a Money Smart Presentation, please provide a minimum of 30 days notice to give us sufficient time to schedule an instructor and obtain training materials.

To request a Money Smart presentation for a school, contact: Doc Daugherty, Volunteer Engagement Director, Eastern Bank at [email protected]

To request a Money Smart presentation for an organization, please complete our request form.

If your organization is located outside our marketplace, we will connect you with a representative at the FDIC to find Money Smart trainers in your community.