Lockbox Instructions

Customer Information

Lockbox Name - name that is used on the mailing address for the lockbox.

Lockbox # - usually starts with 843 and is typically six digits long.

Prepared by - person completing the adjustment request, this is also the person that will be contacted if there are questions regarding this request.

Date - this is the date the request is made and is automatically prefilled by the system

Last 4 digits of Eastern Bank Account # - for security reasons we only ask for the last four digits of the account in which the error occurred.

Phone Number - the phone number of the person making the request

Fax Number - the fax number of the person making the request

Deposit Information

Deposit Date - the date of the deposit that contains the suspect item.

Deposit Total - the total amount of the deposit where the error occurred.  This information can be found in one of three places depending upon the options that you have selected for your lockbox output.  Account Batch Listing (ABL), which is the small check sized summary listing that is included with your check copies, Lockbox email reports or the Eastern Treasury lockbox widget.

Adjustment Amount - This is the dollar amount of the difference between what you were credited and what you should have been credited.  For example a check that is deposited is in the amount of $25.00 however you only receive credit for $20.00, the dollar amount in this field should be $5.00.  Note this field only accepts positive numbers, to indicate a negative amount in this field you would select ‘Debit’ under adjustment type.

IItem Amount - This is the dollar amount of the check that needs to be adjusted.  For example a check that is deposited is in the amount of $25.00 however you only receive credit for $20.00, the dollar amount in this field should be $25.00.

Batch # - Is typically three to four digits in length, and is generated by the Lockbox System. This information can be found in one of three places depending upon the options that you have selected for your lockbox output.  Account Batch Listing (ABL), which is the small check sized summary listing that is included with your check copies, Lockbox email reports or the Eastern Treasury lockbox widget.

Transaction # - can also be referred to as the “sequence” or “item” number of the check in question. This information can be found in one of three places depending upon the options that you have selected for your lockbox output.  Account Batch Listing (ABL), which is the small check sized summary listing that is included with your check copies, Lockbox email reports or the Eastern Treasury lockbox widget.

Found Between - put the dollar amount of the checks that are before and after the item in question.   This helps identify the suspect item.  If you do not know the amounts of the items before and after put zeros in these fields.

Maker - The individual or company who issued the check in question that needs to be adjusted.

Last 4 Digits of Maker Account # - The account number is located on the MICR line at the bottom of the check.   There will be several numbers included on the MICR line in the following order: routing and transit number, account number, check serial number and the dollar amount of the check.  The account number can be identified as the second grouping of numbers at the bottom of the check.

Payee - The individual or company that the check is written to.

Check # - (or Serial number) typically located at the top right of the check or the second to the last grouping of numbers on the MICR line.

Adjustment Type - Select the credit button if you believe your account is due funds or select debit if you believe the funds need to be removed from the account.

Reason for Adjustment


Encoding Error - Select this when a check was deposited to your account for an incorrect amount.  The dollar amount of the check as deposited (incorrect amount) should be put in the “Listed as” field.   The “Should be” field is for the correct dollar amount of the check.

Misposting - Select this option if you have an item that was deposited into your account that was not made payable to you.

Missing Check - is selected when you have an item listed on your Lockbox summary sheet, but do not have a copy of the item

Additional Information - supply a brief description of the error.