It is important to review your credit report at least once a year to ensure the information is correct and free of any suspicious activity. The information below describes how easy it is to review your credit for accuracy and protect yourself from identity theft and fraud.
Free Annual Credit Report
Under the FACT Act amendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you are entitled to one free Personal Credit Report in a 12-month period. To request this free annual report, you may contact the Central Source online at or call toll free (877) FACT ACT (322-8228).
Credit Bureaus
In addition, a credit report can be ordered from each of the credit bureaus listed below. The credit bureaus charge a fee for the credit report, however, this fee is waived if you meet certain criteria such as being turned down for credit in the past 60 days.
In addition, Massachusetts' residents are eligible to receive one free credit report from each of these credit bureaus in a calendar year.
Order a Credit Report
Equifax |
800-685-1111 |
Experian |
888-397-3742 |
TransUnion |
800-916-8800 |